All Templates > Brochures > Funeral > Celebration of Life Programs

Celebration of Life Programs

The end of life on earth is not always a sad and somber occasion – for some, it is cause for hope and joyful celebration!  Design a celebration of life funeral program that honors the grief of those left behind and encourages the expectation they have for a heavenly reunion.  Upload a happy cover photo of the one who has passed on, and follow with a description of their life’s highlights, milestones, sorrows, joys, and humorous or touching stories. An order of service, with officiant, pallbearers, special speakers, readings, songs, and interment details should also be included.  The family could also write a special message about why they (or their loved one) chose to remember (or be remembered) with a Celebration of Life.  MyCreativeShop’s online editor is ready to help you design and print now!
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