We offer a variety of materials (paper + finish) for our flyers. Material options may vary by size and quantity, but all are listed above.
When choosing your material we'll include a list of traits to help you decide. These traits often times will let you know if your flyer can be written as well as a number of other helpful characteristics to ensure you make the best decision.
Yes, all of our flyers have the option to print on both sides or you can choose to leave the backside blank. You can define what pages of your flyer are printed when you go to order prints
Generally, we recommend using images that are at least 300 dots per inch (dpi). With that said, it's also important to consider the average viewing distance that your printed flyer will be viewed at. If you expect people to hold it in their hands, then 300dpi is ideal, but if you're hanging your flyer up on a wall you could get away with lower dpi as the average viewing distance will be further away.
We generate a high resolution file, so text shapes and other vector objectors will be 300dpi, however, images within the design hold their own unique dpi values.
Note - If you order prints with us our team will review your images to ensure their are no major quality issues.
Have more questions about image resolution and DPI? Checkout understanding image resolution or our guide to understanding dpi
Yes, we have a digital proof that you can download within the editor. The proof is a watermarked PDF which you can download and use to view your design before you print.
Additionally, the our online editor can also serve as a digital proof as we do not lower the resolution of our images within the canvas, so what you see in the editor canvas is how your design will print.
Absolutely, every design we print is reviewed for alignment and image quality. If we find issues that we can't resolve, then a dedicated support specialist will reach out to you via the email associated with your account.
Our review is limited to alignment and image quality, so review your design closely for any potential spelling errors or inaccuracies.
Yes, if elements in your design extend to the outside edge of the canvas (bleed area) then there won't be a white border/margin on your print when you order through us.
As an added measure, when you order with us, our print team will review your design and will resolve any alignment issues that could cause a white border.
Not printing with us? If you're printing on a home printer you will likely see a white border around the outside of your print. This is not caused by our PDF, but is instead a limitation of home printers. For the best quality print, we suggest using a professional print shop like MyCreativeShop, however if you need help printing on a home printer we wrote a great article on how to print to the edge of the paper on a home printer.
Visual reference: If you extend background elements (images & colors) to the outside edge of our canvas then there won't be a white border around your printed design. Keep logos, text and other important info outside of this area between the canvas edge and the red safety line.