Create Your Own Open House Brochure
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10 Surprising Ideas for Open House Brochures that Attract Buyers

Explore unique ways to make your open house brochures stand out!
Cassie Viele
Published May 11, 2024

Attracting buyers to an open house is essential for any real estate agent looking to make a successful sale. One powerful tool that can help achieve this goal is an open house brochure. However, creating a brochure that stands out and captivates potential buyers can be a challenge.

In this article, we will explore 10 surprising ideas for open house brochures that are sure to grab the attention of buyers and leave a lasting impression.

1. Interactive Floor Plans

Instead of the traditional static floor plans, surprise your buyers with an interactive floor plan in your brochure. This allows them to explore the layout of the property in a more engaging and immersive way, making it easier for them to visualize themselves living in the space.

2. Virtual Reality Experience

Take your open house brochure to the next level by incorporating virtual reality (VR) technology. Provide potential buyers with VR headsets along with the brochure, allowing them to take a virtual tour of the property from the comfort of their own home. This innovative approach will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression.

3. Neighborhood Highlights

Go beyond just showcasing the property and include information about the surrounding neighborhood. Highlight local attractions, schools, parks, and amenities to give buyers a sense of the community they could be joining. This personalized touch shows that you understand their interests and helps them envision their future life in the area.

4. Custom Illustrations

Add a touch of creativity to your open house brochure by incorporating custom illustrations. Hire an artist to create unique illustrations that showcase the key features and selling points of the property. This artistic approach will make your brochure stand out from the rest and create a memorable impression.

5. Testimonials from Previous Buyers

Include testimonials from previous buyers who were satisfied with their purchase in the neighborhood. This adds credibility and social proof to your brochure, assuring potential buyers that they are making a wise investment.

6. Before and After Transformation

Highlight the potential of the property by including before and after photos of any renovations or remodeling that has taken place. This demonstrates the property's transformation and showcases the potential for buyers to customize the space to their own preferences.

7. Local Market Insights

Include relevant market insights and statistics to help buyers understand the value of the property. Provide information on recent sales in the area, price trends, and future development plans. This helps buyers make an informed decision and increases their confidence in the investment.

8. QR codes for Virtual Tours

Incorporate QR codes in your brochure that directly link to virtual tours or 3D walk-throughs of the property. This allows buyers to easily access additional visual content and explore the property in more detail at their own convenience.

9. Customizable Design

Provide a brochure design that allows potential buyers to customize the space with their own furniture and decorations. Include blank templates and let their imagination run wild. This not only engages buyers creatively, but also helps them visualize how their own personal style can fit into the property.

10. Interactive Contact Information

Make it easy for buyers to contact you by including interactive contact information in your brochure. This can be in the form of QR codes or clickable buttons that directly connect to your email or phone number. This ensures a seamless and efficient communication process.

Main Professional Open House    Image
Professional Open House Bi-Fold Brochure Template
17" W x 11" H Brochure
Main Blue Open House    Image
Blue Open House Bi-Fold Brochure Template
11" W x 8.5" H Brochure
Main Park Drive Open House    Image
Park Drive Open House Bi-Fold Brochure Template
11" W x 8.5" H Brochure


When it comes to creating open house brochures that attract buyers, it's important to think outside the box and provide a unique and memorable experience. By incorporating surprising ideas such as interactive floor plans, virtual reality experiences, custom illustrations, and personalized content, you can engage potential buyers on a deeper level and increase your chances of making a successful sale.

So grab your creative hat and get started on designing brochures that will leave a lasting impression on buyers.

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